Transport Logistics For Every Need

Ihre flexible Lkw-transportfirma in Dietzenbach

Transport Logistics
Air Freight Transport
Dangerous Goods and Pharmaceuticals

Your flexible truck transport company in Dientzenbach

Whether you need to transport refrigerated or uncooled goods, dangerous goods or pharmaceuticals: We are your reliable transport service provider on site.

Our company for transport and forwarding at a glance

Here you can directly access all relevant topics on our website:

Temperature-controlled transports

We ensure that the cold chain for food and pharmaceuticals is not interrupted at any time.

Collective Transport

We offer collective group transport for several goods from different manufacturers and with the same destination.

Transport of dangerous goods and medicines

Dangerous goods and medicines are in good hands with us.

Air Freight Transport

As an approved carrier by the Federal Aviation Office, we ensure that your cargo always reaches its destination safely.


Long-term cooperation and efficiency in transport logistics and goods transport

Our wide range of offers in transport logistics makes us an attractive partner in securing various supply chains.Our offer ranges from the simple transport of goods to the transport of refrigerated goods to the safe transport of pharmaceuticals and dangerous goods.In addition, you can also rent trucks and storage spaces with us.We also carry out collective group transport and transport air freight to and from the airport.

The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority.After all, we have been working successfully with some companies for a long time. The needs of our long-standing regular customers are just as important to us as the wishes of new customers. We look forward to working with you!

Why you should choose us as a partner

Special / express trips

Your reliable partner for express & special trips

Truck Rental

You can rent different trucks on a daily basis from us.

Storage options

We offer several storage spaces that you can rent.


Certification for pharmaceutical and air freight transports

Safe and reliable

We bring your goods safely and reliably to their destination.

Trained staff

Trained personnel for fast transport and logistics solutions

Contact us for a non-binding offer for truck rental, storage or transport!

In addition to goods transport and warehouse logistics, our offer also includes the rental of trucks.